When we look at the solar system, we see ring-like structures on many planets. When Galileo studied Saturn, he could not understand exactly what happened.If you look at Saturn with a non-powerful telescope, the rings may mislead you. Galileo predicted that Saturn has not a ring but 3 different objects.Today we know there are rings and they are made up of dust, ice, rock fragments.
Why Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune have rings but there is no rings around world?The answer is a bit of luck and a little bit of Roche Limit.
Roche Limiti
The Roche limit shows the shortest distance that a celestial body can approach to another celestial body without gravitational stress caused by gravitational force. This concept was defined by the French mathematician Albert Roche in 1847.
The satellite is subjected to gravity by the celestial body it rotates around, but the satellite is not homogeneously affected by this force because the face facing the celestial body is pulled with more force than the other face.
The force decreases with the square of the distance. This force inequality creates a distance-dependent voltage on the satellite. After a certain distance, the voltage breaks the satellite apart.
The moon or the rings?
We know that if we can bring the Moon too close to Earth, it will break up and form rings, so we need to change the orbit of the Moon.But we have to give up someone, we can see the Moon or the rings, when people get bored to see the Moon, they can try this process.
Ömer Özgür