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Oyunlaştırma ile Agile Remote Proje Yönetim Sistemi

Hepimizin yaşamımızın bir yerinde tecrübe ettiği gibi, sadece görev ataması yapılıp o işin bitirilmesini beklemek çok sıkıcı ve boğucu olabiliyor. Bu sebeple bunu biraz daha eğlenceli hale getirmek gerekiyor. İşte burada devreye “gamification” yani “oyunlaştırma” dediğimiz çok derin bir sanat

Nedir Bu Biyogirişimcilik?

Are you ready to go on a journey that has been going on for at least 2400 years and will never end? “Nosce te ipsum!” / “Know Thyself”. Although there are people who think you heard this word for the first time, I can swear that you didn’t come across it for the first time!

Maxwell ışığın ışık hızında ilerlediğini nasıl keşfetti ?

Are you ready to go on a journey that has been going on for at least 2400 years and will never end? “Nosce te ipsum!” / “Know Thyself”. Although there are people who think you heard this word for the first time, I can swear that you didn’t come across it for the first time!

Başvuru ve Yesil Science Macerası

Are you ready to go on a journey that has been going on for at least 2400 years and will never end? “Nosce te ipsum!” / “Know Thyself”. Although there are people who think you heard this word for the first time, I can swear that you didn’t come across it for the first time!

Bilim ve Sanatın Kavgası

Are you ready to go on a journey that has been going on for at least 2400 years and will never end? “Nosce te ipsum!” / “Know Thyself”. Although there are people who think you heard this word for the first time, I can swear that you didn’t come across it for the first time!

Beynimiz Yaşlansa da Yeni Sinir Hücreleri Üretebilir Mi?

Are you ready to go on a journey that has been going on for at least 2400 years and will never end? “Nosce te ipsum!” / “Know Thyself”. Although there are people who think you heard this word for the first time, I can swear that you didn’t come across it for the first time!

Sokrates’i Kim Öldürdü?

Bundan 2419 yıl önce Atina’da, tarihin en karanlık olaylarından biri yaşandı. ‘Felsefenin babası’ olarak görülen Sokrates, resmi suçlama metninde geçen ifade ile “Kentin inandığı tanrılara inanmadığı, yeni tanrılar icat ettiği ve gençleri yoldan çıkardığı için” suçlandı ve ölümle cezalandırıldı.

Karadelikler neden karanlık değildir ?

Are you ready to go on a journey that has been going on for at least 2400 years and will never end? “Nosce te ipsum!” / “Know Thyself”. Although there are people who think you heard this word for the first time, I can swear that you didn’t come across it for the first time!

Nedir Bu Bakteri Ve Virüs

Are you ready to go on a journey that has been going on for at least 2400 years and will never end? “Nosce te ipsum!” / “Know Thyself”. Although there are people who think you heard this word for the first time, I can swear that you didn’t come across it for the first time!

Yarının Belirsizliğine Rağmen Bilime Umutla Bakmak

Are you ready to go on a journey that has been going on for at least 2400 years and will never end? “Nosce te ipsum!” / “Know Thyself”. Although there are people who think you heard this word for the first time, I can swear that you didn’t come across it for the first time!

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